Social engineering attacks have beceom increasingly popular through scammers to try and gain your banking information. If you receive a call, text, or email from someone who is asking about your banking information because something is wrong with it (Account is compromised, Password is outdated, ect) be cautious. Scammers will try and make the situation appear as an emergency so you do what they say without thinking about it.
Here are some steps to protect yourself from these types of scams:
- Be sure the individual you are talking to is from the organization they are saying.
- Scammers can make their phone number seem like it comes from the credit union, so when in doubt, hang up and call Railway CU directly at 701-667-9500
- Never give your sensitive banking information over the phone.
- Use eAlerts in your mobile app for new devices or large transaction notifications.
If you think your are a victim to these scams, please inform Railway Credit Union immediately so we can take action on the issue.